2024 Elections

Insights for Navigating the Complexities of Geopolitics

Explore analysis and insights by seasoned professionals on how elections around the globe in 2024 will impact markets. We’ve compiled some of our most meaningful observations to help you navigate volatility and understand investment opportunities.

An Overview of the 2024 Election Calendar

Election timeline 2024 Election Timeline 2024

Additional Insights

Elections, Equities and the Economy

Does it matter if elections are close?

A Change in Leadership?

As Biden withdraws, we are seeing an historic rotation into small-cap stocks and a growing opinion-polling lead for Donald Trump—are the two things related?

High-Vol Politics, Low-Vol Markets

Are markets calm because of electoral unpredictability, rather than despite it?

U.S. Election: Near-Term Turbulence, Long-Term Questions

A close election could see increased U.S. equity volatility followed by a relief rally, while resulting policy impacts could take time to play out and may be affected by fiscal constraints.

Private Equity and the Polls

Have U.S. elections had any effect on private equity performance?

Preparing for Rising Volatility

The second half of 2024 could see the current, localized election-related volatility go global.

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