List of Sweep Funds Utilized by NB Private Wealth











Fidelity Institutional Liquidity Fund plc.

The United States Dollar Treasury Fund Class M Flex Distributing Shares



*FCASH, offered by Fidelity, is a customer free credit balance and is a means for holding cash balances awaiting investment. FCASH is not a bank deposit or a money market mutual fund. Fidelity may, but is not required to, pay interest on the balances held in FCASH. Your NB Private Wealth team can provide you with current interest rates on FCASH. FCASH is protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (“SIPC”), up to applicable limits. FCASH is not eligible for insurance by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”).

Neuberger Berman BD LLC (NBBD) in its sole discretion at any time, may make available additional money market funds and may remove any and all available money market funds. NBBD reserves the right to establish and change or remove such a program in its sole discretion at any time. In the event either the money market fund sweep program or any bank deposit sweep program is no longer offered or available, NBBD, in its sole discretion, may transfer Client’s existing balances to either an available money market fund or bank deposit account in connection with the cash sweep for Client’s Account or may retain the proceeds in Client’s Account and pay interest on such free credit balances in accordance with its practices from time to time.

The prospectus for each money market fund contains a more complete description of the fund and its fees, charges and operations. A prospectus for the money market fund Client selects will be sent to Client upon Client’s initial investment in such fund.